Positively the most rewarding experiences I have ever had! Hopefully this page will answer your questions and give you some insight into the world of jumping in front of tens of thousands of people!
Parachute demo for Fork Union Military Academy-5/7/2017 - 05/07/2017
Another great demo from 3rd Dimension Productions for the Fork Union Military Academy Alumni Parade! Kevin landed first getting the crowd fired up. BobbyP swooped in next for the patented 3DP low five. ;-) And last but not least, Bob Futrell (Class of 1967) came in with his 1250 square foot USA Banner nailing the landing front and center for his 50th reunion! Outstanding display of the colors and an outstanding show from the whole 3DP team! Thanks to Shenandoah Skies for flying us!
Liberty University Parachute Demo - 11/12/2016
3rd Dimension Productions closes out its season performing for the Liberty University Flames on a gorgeous Saturday afternoon! BobbyP swoops in first with the LU Flag getting the crowd psyched! (Very sorry for dragging it behind me - I was amped up and forgot it was behind me!) Ryan McDaniel swoops in second trailing the '4 Quarters of Fury' Flag all the way to the end zone! Always a fantastic crowd! Thanks for having us! Thanks to Shenandoah Skies for flying the team! Thanks to Tim Bates and Angela Barrios for doing superb ground crew work! And special thanks to some of the members of GoJourni seen at the end of the video for allowing me to jump with their 360 degree Samsung camera.. Ari Goldberg, Matei Canavra, and Adeshola! Great Exhibition, Team!
Parachute Demo for Louisa County High School - 11/11/2016
Rrroooaaaaaarrr! 3rd Dimension Productions flies into The Jungle for the second time this season! BobbyP landing first with colored streamers! Mario Ripa rippin' it up second! And Grayson Hoffman rounding out the team swooping in third! Thanks to Tim Bates and Tammer Ramini for doing great on ground crew and thanks to Shenandoah Skies for flying the team!
Parachute Demo for Louisa County High School - 10/28/2016
3rd Dimension Productions jumps into The Jungle once again! Kevin Reynolds brings the game ball in on his 5000th jump! Followed closely by Mario Ripa high fiving the ground support! BobbyP swoops in 3rd connecting on the 'low five' once again with Kevin. And Grayson Hoffman rounds out the team with a nice swoop for his hometown crowd! Thanks to Ashley Walton Hoffman for the images and the kids for their support on the ground. Thanks to Tim Bates for his ever superb work on ground crew and for capturing the ground video. And thanks to Shenandoah Skies for flying the team on such a beautiful October night! Rrroooaaaaaarrrrrrr..!
Parachute Demo for William Monroe High School - 10/21/2016
3DP bringing the heat once again..! This time to our home town high school in Greene County, VA! Kevin Reynolds landed first in the middle of the field bringing in the game ball and BobbyP swooped in next for the 'patented' 3DP low five! Go Dragons! Thanks to Tim Bates for doing superb on ground crew and thanks to Lauren Reynolds as well for her first time doing ground crew for us! Awesome job! And as always, thanks to Shenandoah Skies for flying the team!
Parachute Demo for Warren County High School - 10/14/2016
3rd Dimension Productions comes back to Warren County again this year with another stellar performance as Kevin Reynolds comes in first with the game ball and pumps up the crowd! BobbyP comes in next swooping in for the 'patented' 3DP low five..! It was a beautiful evening with a great homecoming crowd on hand to welcome the team back to Earth! Thanks to Tim Bates for doing ground crew and to Shenandoah Skies for flying us!
Parachute Demo for Helmets To Hardhats at Old South Country Club - 10/03/2016
What an amazing morning to jump out of a plane and put on another epic 3rd Dimension Productions performance! Amidst a scud layer of industrial haze, Kevin Reynolds, Pete Schwartz, Mario Ripa, and BobbyP added smoke and excitement to the event that benefits military members transitioning to the civilian world. Pete brought the heat screaming down the 18th fairway, Kevin and Mario showed impressive accuracy landing on the practice green, and BobbyP brought the American Flag right up to the spectators! Thanks to all the folks that came out to watch the show and support this event! Thanks to Jim Crouch of VA Skydiving Center for flying the Skydive Orange Exhibition Team and to Pete Wild for doing a great job at his 'pre-2nd' time doing ground crew!
Eastern View High School Parachute Demo - 09/16/2016
3rd Dimension Productions once again rolling through the VA countryside bringing unmatched skydiving entertainment to the masses! Kevin Reynolds comes in first with the game ball getting the crowd hyped up! Mario Ripa comes in second right down the team line! And BobbyP comes in last finishing with the 'patented' 3DP high five with Kevin! It was another great night for 3DP and the Cyclones fans! Thanks to Shenandoah Skies for flying the team and to all the ground crew for coming out to support; Tim Bates, Tammer Ramini, Ruthie, Monica Noncheva, and Cary Bush!
Mini's Mission Parachute Demo - 09/11/2016
3rd Dimension Productions and American Helicopters join forces once again to put on a stellar show for Mini's Mission - a kickball tournament in Manassas raising money for kids with cancer. Alexis piloted the helicopter so that Bobby could jump out and entertain the crowd! Thanks to Kevin Rychlik of American Helicopters and Ann Rychlik of American Aviation for doing ground crew and thanks to the great crowd on hand to welcome Bobby back to Earth! Lots of high fives all around! What a blast!
Liberty Farm Festival Parachute Demo - 09/10/2016
Kevin Reynolds, Chief of Staff for Senator Tom Garrett, takes Zach Werrell, Senator Garrett's Campaign Manager, on a tandem skydive over the Liberty Farm Festival on September 10, 2016. Bobby Page came along to capture the moment as the threesome landed into the Rally at the picturesque property that is owned by Martha Boneta out in Paris, VA! A great demo on a fantastic day out in beautiful Fauquier County! Thanks to Nick Elvinger for doing ground crew and to Shenandoah Skies for flying the jumpers! Special thanks also to Martha for allowing us to jump onto her property for what is certainly the coolest campaign in the history of the world!
Wilson Memorial High School Parachute Demo - 09/09/2016
3rd Dimension Productions comes through once again - this time for Wilson Memorial High in Fishersville, VA! A great and enthusiastic crowd was on hand for their home opener! Kevin Reynolds came in first with the game ball. Lambert followed immediately after, and BobbyP came in third 'reviving the high fiving' with Kevin! Thanks to Mary, Tammer, and Tim for doing superb ground crew and to Shenandoah Skies for flying the team! Great show!
Madison County Fair Parachute Demo - 07/16/2016
Another perfectly timed exhibition jump from 3rd Dimension Productions! Bobby trailed the American Flag while the anthem was being sung and came in for landing on the last note..! Thanks to all the folks of Madison that came out to the Fair. You are always a GREAT crowd! I hope I didn't get anyone too wet! Thanks to Randy for doing ground crew and to Shenandoah Skies for flying me! And thank you to Sonny and the Madison County Fair for having us perform! See you all next year..!
Great Meadows Parachute Demo - 07/02/2016
It wouldn't be the 4th of July without Great Meadows and the annual skydiving exhibitions that 3rd Dimension Productions performs out of the helicopters of American Helicopters! Alexis flew Chad Salo, BobbyP, and Steve Townsend up into the blue so we could let go and put on a show for the crowd! Shot from Steve's point of view, Steve landed first, followed by Chad, and BobbyP landed last with the U.S. Flag. We always have a great time with the folks at Great Meadows!
Battelle Company Picnic Parachute Demo - 06/18/2016
A great day for a fantastic picnic ... and a skydive! Thanks to Shenandoah Skies for flying me and to Allen and Dinah for doing ground crew. Thank you also to Michele and Chad for putting the whole picnic together and to Gene for cleaning out the bounce house! Everyone seems to have had a blast at the picnic .. especially the kids with the bounce house! Glad I could be a part of the festivities! ...So next year, think twice before making plans that conflict with Battelle's picnic! ;-)
Manassas Airshow Parachute Demo - 05/07/2016
What a great annual event! The Manassas Airshow! American Helicopters providing the lift and 3rd Dimension Productions providing the show as seen from Steve Townsend's perspective! Alexis Clark expertly piloted the helicopter for Steve, Chad Salo, and BobbyP to exit into the blue! Thanks to Kevin Rychlik and Ann for doing ground crew and everything else they do for this event!
Parachute Demo for Orange County High School - 10/30/2015
3DP finishes out the 2015 season with a great demo into the home town of Skydive Orange, the sponsors of this exhibition! An electric crowd was on hand at Porterfield Park to watch Kevin Reynolds bring in the game ball! Landing second was Mario Ripa! And coming in 3rd was Bobby Page! Big thanks to Larry Liebler and Monica Noncheva for doing ground crew with a special appearance by State Senator from the 17th District–Senator Bryce Reeves! Thanks for coming out and taking part! And as always, thanks to Shenandoah Skies for flying the team!
Parachute demo for Eastern View High School - 10/23/2015
3rd Dimension Productions delivered the game ball for the Cyclones of Eastern View High School! Great crowd on hand and the video SOUNDED like a cyclone! Kevin Reynolds came in first getting the crowd going, followed closely by Shane Denna, and BobbyP swooping in 3rd ... (Dimension Productions)! haha. Thanks to Tim Bates for doing ground crew and to Shenandoah Skies for flying the team!
Parachute Demo for Louisa County High - 10/16/2015
Another fantastic night for a demo and what a crowd to do it for! 3DP bringing four jumpers into "The Jungle" again this year! Kevin Reynolds bringing in the game ball and getting the crowd amped! Mario coming in second bringing the crowd to their feet! BobbyP landing 3rd getting the high five from Kevin! Followed up with a high five from Grayson coming in fourth! Thanks to Gigi, Monica, Ashley, and Raven for doing ground crew and to Shenandoah Skies for flying the team! We LOVE the Jungle at night!
Parachute Demo for the Girl Scouts in Lynchburg - 10/10/2015
3rd Dimension Productions getting it done for the Girl Scouts of VA Skyline Council for their Aviation Day at Lynchburg Airport! Not ideal weather, but tons of girls and their families came out to witness Kevin Reynolds and Bobby Page put on a show! Thanks to Kelly and James for doing ground crew and to Shenandoah Skies for expertly flying the team once again!
Parachute Demo at Warren County High School - 10/10/2015
3rd Dimension Productions gettin' wet but gettin' the job done for the Wildcats of Warren County! Thanks to Autumn for doing great at her first time on ground crew and thanks to Shenandoah Skies for flying the team!
Parachute Demo at Liberty University - 09/19/2015
What a beautiful night to put on a scorching skydiving show for the Liberty University Flames! 3rd Dimension Productions brought the speed and the fans in their sea of red, once again, did not disappoint! What an incredible amount of energy you give us! I hope we return the favor! Go Flames!
Parachute Demo into The James Monroe High School - 09/04/2015
3rd Dimension Productions put on another great show for the Jackets of James Monroe in Fredericksburg, VA! Kevin Reynolds came in first, hyping up the crowd! Followed closely by Shane Denna meeting Kevin with some high fives! And BobbyP brought the heat delivering the game ball! Many thanks to Tim Bates for doing a spectacular job on ground crew, and thanks as always to Scott French of Shenandoah Skies for flying the team! A superb pilot!
Skydive Orange Swoop 'n' Chug - 08/15/2015
Trying to break John Elmore's streak of winning countless swoop-n-chug's over the years at the Fabulous Annual Boogie in Orange. I was a few seconds short but a good showing anyway... :-)
Parachute Demo at Madison County Fair - 07/18/2015
The jumpers from 3rd Dimension Productions; Kevin Reynolds, Bobby Page, and Shane Denna, had a blast jumping in front of a huge audience at the Madison County Fair! Kevin came in first screaming across the dirt! Bobby came in second landing right by the crowd line with the American Flag! And Shane came in third timing it perfectly to the end of the anthem while kicking up a rooster tail of Virginia clay! What a fantastic fair! Madison County ROCKS! Thanks to Shenandoah Skies for flying the team and to Randy for doing stellar on ground crew!
3DP Thunder For The Cause Parachute Demo - 05/23/2015
3DP put on a show for Thunder For The Cause in Spotsylvania, VA Saturday, 23 May 2015! Kevin Reynolds landed first with the POW flag; Steve Townsend came in second, followed by Jon Forman. And Bobby wrapped things up bringing in the American Flag! It was a great day for a demo and for a great cause! Thanks to Kevin Gibson for doing superb on ground crew and to Shenandoah Skies for once again flying the team!
3DP Skydiving Exhibition for Fork Union - 05/03/2015
3rd Dimension Productions, featuring BobbyP and Kevin Reynolds, continue to bring excitement to FUMA year after year! Reviving the signature high five once again! What a great day and a great crowd to perform for! Thanks to Shenandoah Skies for flying us and to Mike Sidwell for doing a great job at ground crew!
3DP Skydiving Exhibition for Liberty University Baseball Game! - 04/12/2015
What a gorgeous April day for a skydive! BobbyP and Kevin Reynolds perform for The Liberty University Flames Baseball Team and fans on 12 April 2015! Thanks to Mike Troxel for doing ground crew and to Shenandoah Skies for flying us!
3DP swoops The Covenant School Football Game - 10/17/2014
Another great night for a demo! This time at Albemarle High for The Covenant School Football Game. Kevin Reynolds, Jr. lands first and fires up the crowd..! Then T.J. Hammond and Bobby Page land nearly simultaneously delivering the one-two punch! Thanks to Corie Reynolds for doing ground crew, to Shenandoah Skies for flying the team, and to Albemarle High for allowing The Covenant School and 3rd Dimension Productions to use their football field!
3DP swoops Eastern View High School - 09/26/2014
3rd Dimension Productions killing it for the Cyclones of Eastern View High School for their Homecoming Game! With a beautiful sunset as their backdrop, Kevin Reynolds, Jr., T.J. Hammond, and Bobby Page got the job done..! And so did the Cyclones by beating their opponent! Thanks to Shenandoah Skies for flying us, to Dinah Page for capturing the video, and to David Cherry and Daniel Wilsey for doing a fantastic job on ground crew. Special guests included Kevin Reynolds, Sr. and Ed Scott, Culpeper's representative in the Virginia House of Delegates..!
3DP swoops James Monroe High School - 09/12/2014
3rd Dimension Productions put on another fantastic performance for the James Monroe High School Jackets in Fredericksburg, VA on 12 September 2014..! David Cherry worked the ground crew as Kevin Reynolds, TJ Hammond, and Bobby Page brought a football crowd to their feet once again! High fives all around! Thanks to the Jackets for having us!
3DP swoops William Monroe High School - 09/05/2014
BobbyP swoops William Monroe High School on 9/5/14 for the Dragons' home opening football game in Stanardsville, VA! Great crowd on hand to witness Kevin Reynolds, Jr. and Bobby Page of 3rd Dimension Productions putting on a show! Thanks to Dinah Page, Corie Reynolds, and Kevin Reynolds for doing Ground Crew and to Scott for flying us! Til next year..!
3DP & the Cal Ripken World Series Parachute Demo - 08/16/2014
Ground Footage by Mark Frymire of 3rd Dimension Productions jumping into the 2014 Cal Ripken World Series on 16 August. What a fantastic crowd on hand to welcome us! We had a blast!
3DP and Skydive Orange Jump for Camp Fantastic! - 08/14/2013
On 14 Aug 2013, five of us from Skydive Orange jumped into the annual Camp Fantastic, a camp for kids with terminally ill diseases. It is always an honor to perform for everyone there, but it is also a demo that is done with a heavy heart. Orange has been jumping into this camp off and on for close to 20 years. Those kids are amazing!
3DP Jumps into Wexford Ridge! - 07/19/2013
Kevin, Nancy, and BobbyP swoop into the Wexford Ridge Neighborhood for a party in front of a great home crowd!
3DP swoops Fluvanna County High School! - 08/24/2012
BobbyP and Kevin Reynolds, Jr. perform another spectacular skydiving exhibition for the Flying Flucos of Fluvanna County High for their opening game at their brand new stadium! What an amazing field and a fantastic crowd on hand! Thanks for having us!
3DP performs for Shenandoah Bible Baptist Church - 07/12/2012
Kevin, Grayson, Pinecone, and BobbyP jump into Shenandoah Bible Baptist Church for their Youth Conference in Martinsburg, WV..! We had a blast and so did the crowd.. The kids loved our performance and we loved their cheers and enthusiasm! Thanks to Jenny for flying and to John for doing ground crew! Another successful event!
3DP Parachute Demo for Liberty University Football - 09/17/2011
Kevin Reynolds, Bobby Page, and Pete Schwartz land against a backdrop of thousands of screaming fans in a sea of RED at Liberty Stadium in Lynchburg, VA for the Hall of Fame Game against the JMU Dukes on September 17, 2011. Special thanks to Justin and Lenny for shooting video and taking pictures!
BobbyP Swoops Into Scott Stadium at UVa! - 10/23/2010
BobbyP swoops as the Cav Man into UVA's Scott Stadium on 10/23/10 as the Cavaliers go on to win big against Eastern Michigan. Thanks to Cory and Mallory for the great ground footage! Thanks to Brian for the great images from inside the stadium and to Don for the superb exit shot of BobbyP from inside the plane!! And, of course, thanks to Scott for flying!
3DP Performs for the University of Richmond Football Game - 09/18/2010
BobbyP swoops University of Richmond's brand new Stadium for their grand opening on 9/18/10. A beautiful day and a great crowd made for an awesome skydiving exhibition and inaugural opening ceremony!
3DP performs for the Gilman School! - 11/06/2009
Mike French, Nancy Koreen, and BobbyP skydive into Gilman School's Pep Rally! What a great school and what a blast we all had there! Ground video by Jeff Leach.
3DP Perform for Master Hwang's Tae Kwon Do Picnic! - 08/29/2009
Steve Townsend and BobbyP swoop Master Hwang's annual Tae Kwon Do Picnic at Bennett's Creek Park in Suffolk, VA and BobbyP finishes with a flying side kick to break a board that Steve is holding. Edited by Jim LeTempt (
BobbyP Swoops Scott Stadium for UVa and the Seven Society - 11/22/2008
Bobby swoops into UVA's Scott Stadium in game v. Clemson.
BobbyP Swoops At Lake House Party - 11/08/2008
BobbyP swoops into a private party in the Shenandoah Mountains. It wasn't New Year's though. ;-)